Friday, July 24, 2015

Win2D First Impressions


I like making little 2D games from time to time. There are a myriad of tools to do this, but as a Systems Admin I like working as close to the computer as I can without getting bogged down in pointers. So many tools like Unity, RPGmaker, etc. are too high level (pun) for me -- I like knowing what's going on in the code -- while using the Directx/Direct2D in c++ gets too frustrating with it's micromanaging minutia, lack of generic object lists, pointer resolution, and memory management.

So it's a struggle, and it's always bugged me that C# (My favorite mid-level language) doesn't have any official API for DirectX. Someone at Mircosoft seems to have been thinking the same thing as they're working on Win2D -- a c# implementation of Direct2D, which is supposed to bring at least the 2D portions of DirectX to native Windows applications. Previously I've used third party offerings (SFML, namely) to accomplish this.

As I write this introduction I am just getting started setting it up. So what follows will be my first-impressions look at the (Alpha, Beta?) package as of version --  0.0.22 at time of writing.

I am following the  quickstart and getting set-up guides on the github site. Using my work machine (windows 8.1, vs 2015 community RC) and my home machine (win 10 RC, vs2015 community RC).

Raw Notes

  •  There is no "blank app" listed under my Visual C# templates, hopefully the "Blank Solution" under Visual Studio Solutions works. Couldn't find it in the online templates either. 
  •  Error "no projects in this solution supported by nuget" so that's fun
  • Trying to add additional packages to VS install, see if that helps
  • Yes that worked. From the Visual studio installer I added everything under "Windows and Web Development" and now I have the blank app as an option. It's listed as "Blank App (Universal Windows 8.1) which isn't quite the same as the guide says, but it's closer
  • As always, visual studio is weird about network locations.
  • Have to get a developer license for this type of app. It's apparently free, so whatever.
  • Nuget works now
  • Getting "Cannot Create an instance of "Canvas Control"" when following step 4 in quickstart
    • Specified module cannot be found 0x8007007E
    • appears to happen for all canvas modules
    • Switched Processor target under Build > Configuration Manager from 'any CPU' to 'x64' this seems to have cleared up the issue (did have to compile before the warning went away)
    • The cpu target thing was mentioned in the instructions, I just missed it.
  •  Have drawn some text and some shapes, neat
  • getting into animation
    • CanvasAnimatedControl is kind of neat, appears to handle the looping for you for drawing. Just have to say draw these things, then it redraws as those things change.
  •  trying to figure out the precise commands by adding a button to the mix
    • Hurray I have a generic object list I can add/remove things from that automatically draws to the screen.
  • Method of loading images is a bit wonky, but ultimately works
  • Wonder if I can get this working in a non win8 style app. Just like, a wpf app or something.


So there's that. Not really what I'm looking for since it only supports Windows apps. Still it seems nice, really straight forward and what have you. If I were looking to make a windows app it would certainly appeal.

Maybe one day Microsoft will make an official supported C# wrapper for DirectX. For now I think I'm going to try SharpDX and see how that goes.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Code Dump: Get-UserProfile / Remove-UserProfile

function Get-UserProfile{
            Use WMI to query a computer about local profiles on the machine
            This Fucntion is used to get information about local profiles on a computer. This will return information about any local profile, including the local cache of the domain accounts. By default returns the SID, Local path, and Last Use Time of the account; the -verbose flag can be used to return additional information.
        .PARAMETER UserID
            UserID to search for. If left blank will default to all users. By default UserID must match exactly, but you can use the wildcard '%' to perform more general seraches
        .PARAMETER Computer
            Computer to query for user accounts. Leaving Blank will default to 'localhost'. 
        .PARAMETER ExcludeSystemAccounts
            Filters out System accounts (e.g. System, Network Service). This is done by looking at the 'special' property, which does not filter out users non-windows programs may create.
        .PARAMETER OnlyLoaded
            Setting this parameter shows only profiles that are currently in Use -- Combine with -ExcludeSystemAccounts and you can get a pretty good idea of who is currently logged into a machine.
        .PARAMETER ExcludeLoaded
            Returns only user profiles that are not currently in use. This is useful if you need to clear out profiles.
        .PARAMETER Verbose
            Returns Full user porfile data, rather than the default SID,LocalPath,LastUseTime
        .PARAMETER OlderThan
            Filter Results based on datetime. This requires a datetime object
            Get-UserProfile -UserID MyUser
            Basic usage to see if the user "MyUser" exists on the local machine.
            Get-UserProfile -Computer
            Lists all user Profiles from remote computer "" 
            Get-UserProfile -Computer -ExcludeSystemAccounts -OnlyLoaded
            Lists non-system user profiles from remote computer currently marked as loaded. This gives a pretty good idea of who is currently logged into a remote machine.
            Get-UserProfile -OlderThan $((get-date).adddays(-14))
            Lists user profiles that have not been used on the localhost in 14 days.
            Author: Keith Ballou
            Date: Oct 15, 2014

            This Script Relies on Convert-UTCtoDateTime -- A function for converting UTC strings to DateTime Objects

if(!(Get-Command Convert-UTCtoDateTime -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "################################################################################"
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "#                                                                               "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "This Program Requires cmdlet ""Convert-UTCtoDateTime""                          "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "Find it here:                                                                   "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "                                                    "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "#                                                                               "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "################################################################################"
if($Computer.ToLower() -eq "localhost"){
    $Return = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from win32_userprofile where LocalPath like '%\\$UserID'" 

    $Return = get-wmiobject -ComputerName $Computer -Query "Select * from win32_userprofile where LocalPath like '%\\$UserID'" 

#Filter System Accounts
    $Return = $Return | Where-Object -Property Special -eq $False
#Filter out Loaded Accounts
    $Return = $Return | Where-Object -Property Loaded -eq $False
#Filter otherthan loaded accounts
    $Return = $Return | Where-Object -Property Loaded -eq $True

#Filter on lastusetime
$Return | Where-Object -property LastUseTime -eq $Null | % {Write-Host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Yellow" $_.LocalPath " Has no 'LastUseTime', omitting" }
$Return = $Return | Where-Object -property LastUseTime -ne $Null
$Return = $Return | Where-Object {$(Convert-UTCtoDateTime $_.LastUseTime -ToLocal) -lt $OlderThan }

Write-Output $Return
 Write-Output $Return | Select SID,LocalPath,@{Label="Last Use Time";Expression={Convert-UTCtoDateTime $_.LastUseTime -ToLocal}}    


Function Remove-UserProfile{
            Removes User Profiles from a machine via WMI
            This Cmdlet is used to remove user profiles from a machine when it is inconveinient to do so from the System menu. The script relies on Cmdlet Get-UserProfile. It is especially userful on Terminal Server/RDS machines where opening the system menu to delete user profiles can take hours (because reasons, I suppose). 
        .PARAMETER UserID
            UserID to search for. Unlike Get-UserProfile, this cannot be left blank. If you intentionally want to remove all user profiles, or need to select multiple, you can use WMIs limited regex. Check this Link for more information:
        .PARAMETER Computer
            Computer to delete user accounts from. Leaving Blank will default to 'localhost'. 
        .PARAMETER Batch
            This Flag will suppress confirmation dialogs, as well change console output to the more redirect friendly Write-Output, rather than the Write-Host it otherwise uses.
        .PARAMETER OlderThan
            Filter user accounts based on last use time. Remember that this Cmdlet does not assume 'all users', so you must specify -UserID %. 
            Remove-UserProfile myuser
            Remove Users using positional parameters
            Remove-UserProfile -UserID myuser -Computer
            remove users specifying with flags
            Get-Content machinelist.txt | % {Remove-UserProfile -User myuser -Computer $_ -Batch} >> C:\Temp\UserRemoval.log
            Remove a user from a list of machines using the batch mode, seding output to a log file
            Remove-UserProfile -OlderThan $((get-date).adddays(-14)) -UserID %
            Remove all user accounts that haven't been used in 14 days
            The '%' here is the WMI regex for anything (analogous to '*' (or '.*') in most regex) -- it is necessary because this Cmdlet never assumes all users

            Author: Keith Ballou
            Date: Oct 16, 2014



    #Make Sure Necessary Cmdlets Exist
    if(!(Get-Command Get-UserProfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "################################################################################"
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "#                                                                               "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "This Program Requires cmdlet ""Get-UserProfile""                                "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "Find it here:                                                                   "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "                                                    "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "#                                                                               "
    write-host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "################################################################################"

    #to simplify query, if OlderThan was not specified, assume anything earlier than right now (plus a day to account for timezones, rounding, etc)
     #   $OlderThan = (get-date).adddays(1)

    #This Part relies on another of my Cmdlets "get-UserPorfile" to simplify the code a bit
    #This Could be substituted with: $ProfileList = Get-WmiObject -Computer $Computer -Query "Select * From Win32_UserProfile where LocalPath like \\$UserID"
    #..............................: $ProfileList = $ProfileList | Where-Object -Property Special -eq $False
    #Additional logic may have to be added if WMI doesn't like 'localhost' as a ComputerName. Seems to work ok for me, but I wouldn't count on it.
    #Get_UserProfile includes this logic
    $ProfileList = Get-UserProfile -Verbose -UserID $UserID -Computer $Computer -ExcludeSystemAccounts -OlderThan $OlderThan

    #If no Users were found, exit
        Write-Warning "NO USER PROFILES WERE FOUND"

    #Confirmation Dialog if -Batch is not set
        Foreach($User in $ProfileList){
            $User | Select SID,LocalPath,@{Label="Last Use Time";Expression={Convert-UTCtoDateTime $_.LastUseTime -ToLocal}}
        $Title = "PROCEED?"
        $Yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes","Removes User Accounts"
        $No = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No","Exits Script, No Changes Will be Made"
        $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)
        $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 1) 
        switch ($result)
            0 {}
            1 {return;}


    #Remove Users provided they are not currently Loaded
    Foreach($User in $ProfileList){
            Write-Host -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Red" "User Account " $User.LocalPath "is Currently in user on" $Computer ":`tSkipping"
            Write-Output "User $($User.LocalPath) on $($Computer) was in use and could not be removed"
        Write-Host -BackgroundColor "Blue" -ForegroundColor "Green" "Removing User $($UserID.LocalPath) from $($Computer)"
        Echo "Deleting $($User.LocalPath) from $($Computer)"



function Get-SNMPWalk{


[reflection.assembly]::LoadFrom( (Resolve-Path ".\SharpSnmpLib.dll")) | Out-Null

if($SNMPVersion -gt 2 -or $SNMPVersion -lt 1)
    Write-Error "Invalid SNMP Version Number, This script supports Versions 1 and 2"

$OIDObject = New-Object Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.ObjectIdentifier ($OIDStart)
#if($SNMPVersion < 3)
#    $results = New-GenericObject System.Collections.Generic.List Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Variable
    $results = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Variable]'

$Server=New-Object System.Net.IpEndPoint($IPObject,$Port)

        $SNMPVersionObject = [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.VersionCode]::V1
        $SNMPVersionObject = [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.VersionCode]::V2
    #    $SNMPVersionObject = [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.VersionCode]::V3

$WalkMode = [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.WalkMode]::WithinSubtree

    [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.Messenger]::Walk($SNMPVersionObject,$Server,$Community,$OIDObject,$results,$TimeOut,$WalkMode) | Out-Null
    #Write-Host "SNMP Walk error: $_"
#     return;    
    $res = @()
    foreach ($var in $results) {
        $line = "" | Select IP,OID, Data
        $line.IP = $IP
        $line.OID = $var.Id.ToString()
        $line.Data = $var.Data.ToString()
        $res += $line

function Convert-UTCtoDateTime{

    #Parameter Binding

    #Breakout the various portions of the time with substring
    #This is very inelegant, and UTC 
    $yyyy = $UTC.substring(0,4)
    $M = $UTC.substring(4,2)
    $dd = $UTC.substring(6,2)
    $hh = $UTC.substring(8,2)
    $mm = $UTC.substring(10,2)
    $ss = $UTC.substring(12,2)
    $fff = $UTC.substring(15,3)
    $zzz = $UTC.substring(22,3)

    #If local, add the UTC offset returned by get-date
    (get-date -Year $yyyy -Month $M -Day $dd -Hour $hh -Minute $mm -Second $ss -Millisecond $fff) + (get-date -format "zzz")
    #else just return the UTC time
    get-date -Year $yyyy -Month $M -Day $dd -Hour $hh -Minute $mm -Second $ss -Millisecond $fff

Monday, March 30, 2015

Group Policy Fails to Apply on Domain Controllers With IPv6 disabled


Let me start by saying, don't disable IPv6 on domain controllers. There's no reason for it, and it will cause you more headaches in the long run. From what I've read, it used to be best practices in the early days of IPv6, but Windows is smart enough now that it shouldn't have any problems with it.

So I inherited a domain setup where the domain controllers (Running Server 2008 (not R2)) had IPv6 disabled for some reason. It's not well documented why this was done, and it's on my list of things to fix, but for the moment I'm stuck with it.

As to why I'm still running DCs on 2008, shut up it's on my to-do list.


Disabled 6to4 adapter. 6to4 adapter will register itself in DNS and cause lookup problems. I couldn't find a good way to tell the adapter not to register itself, so I settled for disabling it. From an admin command prompt:
netsh int ipv6 6to4 set state disabled
been running this way for a week or so, and haven't had any more problems. I am able to run a gpupdate on the domain controllers and have it apply successfully.

Problem & Full Story

 See "Forward" as to why I am operating DCs with IPv6 disabled.

Started running into this problem a while back, but had never had the time to troubleshoot it fully. Domain Controllers would randomly stop working correctly requiring reboots and extensive testing. These problems would take the form of

  • Slow logins -- stuck at applying user settings
  • Slow boot -- stuck applying computer settings
  • "no trust relationship" errors
  • DCs failing to apply group policy updates via "gpupdate /force"
    • Updates would apply correctly on reboot
Eventually, going through logs, I was able to narrow it down to a DNS issue. Mostly there were "RPC Server Unavailable" Errors which indicated a lookup failure. The DCs also function as DNS servers, so the fact they had lookup problems when nothing else seemed to was double strange.

Parsing through the "Forward Lookup Zones" I found that the DCs were still registering IPv6 addresses. If I cleared those addresses out manually then everything seemed to work. The DNS entries I cleared out looked like this:

Name                    Type                    Data                    Timestamp
(same as parent folder) IPv6 Host(AAAA)         2222::etc::2220         2/2/22
(same as parent folder) IPv6 Host(AAAA)         2222::etc::2221         2/2/22
DC1                     IPv6 Host(AAAA)         2222::etc::2222         2/2/22
DC2                     IPv6 Host(AAAA)         2222::etc::2223         2/2/22

After clearing these out everything would work for awhile. But the entries would eventual re-create themselves and the problems would come back. The (same as parent folder) -- which is a reference to the resolution of -- would recreate every hour or so, whereas the DC1,DC2 entries seemed to only come back on a reboot. It was baffling because the IPv6 adapters were totally disabled, so I couldn't figure out why/how they were continuing to register themselves.

After looking through ways to more forcibly disable IPv6 (through registry hacks, etc.), and deciding that was a bad idea, I thought to look more closely at the addresses that were being registered.  Issuing a ipconfig /all, I realized that those addresses were associated with the 6to4 adapters, not the actual ipv6 interface.

A quick google later to find out how to disable the 6to4 adapter and everything was in order. As mentioned above it's been a week and I haven't seen any side effects to disabling the 6to4 adapter.

Long-term solution is to reenable IPv6 on the domain controllers, but it's been disabled for so long, and since I have no idea why it was disabled in the first place, that will require more careful testing.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Print Server CPU spikes on reboot -- Spoolsv.exe


Problem in my case turned out to be a bad driver. Luckily it was a driver from an old printer that was no longer on the network.

Cleaning out print drivers is pretty easy: Open up two instances of print manager, go to the Drivers menu on one, and the printers on the other. Arrange the columns on the printers page so that you can see the printer name and the driver name. Sort by driver name, then compare the list to the ones in the Drivers menu. This makes it easy to see which drivers are no longer in use.

If you've cleaned out old drivers, and the problem is still occurring, you may need to start removing printers until the problem stops. Remove a printer, reboot the server, and see if the problem still exists. Of course, make sure you copy the printer information so you can re-add it later. Once you've determined which printer/driver combo is causing the issue, see if you can find an alternative driver for that printer. Most printer manufacturers recommend using their "Universal Print Driver" in a print server environment, rather than the 'named' or 'model specific' driver.


In brief, our print server would hang with 100% CPU usage whenever it was rebooted. This necessitated spoolsv.exe (the 100% process) to be manually terminated, and the spooler and all dependant services to be restarted. After manual termination/restart, the CPU levels would remain normal. Printer shares would be unavailable during the CPU spike.

Machine Specs:

  • Server 2008 R2 -- fully updated
  • VM on top of XenServer 6.2 - Intel based system
  • 2 core
  • 3 GB of RAM
  • Additional Printer Related Software
    • Print Manager (print tracking software)
    • Citrix Universal Print Server
Things I tried that didn't help

  • Windows updates
  • Updating paravirtualization driver.
  • SFC / Checkdisk/ other system file scans
  • Re-installing drivers/print queues  
Problem ended up being an issue with some unused print driver. Apparently the spooler service loads up drivers even if they are not being used by any print queue. So the only way to fix the problem was to remove all drivers from printers that had been retired -- see details in Solution above.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Printer Error on Boot: 49.38.13 -- HP Color LaserJet CP5525


In my case, I ended up having to clear out the "active" firmware and have it pull a clean copy from it's backup. To do this you perform a "Partial Clean" from the preboot menu.

To access the preboot menu follow the instructions on the Service Manual.

Before doing this, be aware it will clear out networking/admin password/ service password/etc. The Printer will have to be re-setup as if from new for the most part.

After you're in the preboot menu, navigate to the "Administration" menu, then select "Partial Clean". Accept the confirmation dialog, then press the back button until you're at the root (top-level) menu. Select "Continue". The printer will now reinstall the firmware from it's backup.

After it finishes it's restore. Re-configure the device with TCP/IP settings, admin settings, and any other customizations you'd made to the printer.

Problem & Full Story

I discussed our issues with our CP5525 printer previously. Well after we had resolved that problem, we started getting a new, more catastrophic problem. About a week after fixing the previous error, the printer got a new error, 49.38.13. I say more catastrophic because this error comes up as soon as the printer finishes booting. The error gives says to power printer off/on, but doing so only causes the error to come up again and wastes 2 minutes of your time.

With the error, User's are unable to print, and you are unable to get to any settings through the panel on the printer or through the web interface. The only way to make changes is to get into the preboot menu during startup.

Things I tried that didn't work
  • Disabled jet-direct (preboot menu)
  • Selecting First-boot (preboot menu)
  • Removing network cable during boot
  • Removing power cable and holding power button to clear memory/capacitors (~30 seconds)
    • This almost worked, it booted up and I was able to navigate around the menus for a little bit before the error popped up again.
What did end up working was doing a "partial clean" from the preboot menu (See Solution section above). It is important to make the distinction between the "Partial Clean" option and the "Full Clean" option. The Printer has two copies of the firmware installed, an active and a backup. The active copy holds all the settings you've configured on the device, where the backup is a clean image with all default settings. The partial clean removes the active and replaces it a copy of the backup. Functionally this should fix any firmware corruption, but it also resets the device to factory defaults.

The "Full Clean" option removes both the active and backup firmware images, leaving the device in an unbootable state. This is only used if the firmware you installed was corrupt (corrupt download, or something).

So, to be clear. Use the partial clean, not full clean.

Error When Printing: 49.4A.04 -- HP Color Laserjet Enterprise CP5525xh


In my situation, installing the latest firmware fixed the problem, 2304061_439461 at time of writing. Various threads on HP's support site suggest the issue is a "rogue" print job; in less dumb terms, it's a print job the printer doesn't know how to handle. Updating the firmware have given the printer the ability to understand the jobs that were causing the problem.

There are several ways to go about doing a firmware upgrade. They can be done remotely via the web interface, or locally with a usb drive. If you're mad and have your printer internet connected, you can also tell it to download the update itself. Do make sure to read the "Read Me" for the update, however, because they sometimes do specify that the update cannot be applied with a given method because of errors. No idea why this is, you'd think the update process would be pretty much the same regardless of method of application, but you'll probably save yourself a headache or two if you double check before hand.

Either way, follow the instructions in the user/service guide.

CP5525 User Guide
CP5525 Service Manual

You can easily find these for other models by Googling "$model user guide" or "$model service manual" -- User guides will generally be on HP's site, service manuals are generally not. I like

Important Note: I ran into another problem after firmware upgrade. I'm not sure the problem was because of the firmware upgrade, but be aware of it as a possibility. You can read about the additional problem and how I fixed it here.

Problem & Full Story

We've had numerous problems with our CP5525xh printer. It's only used by three or four people, but, at least recently, has been about 80% of our printer complaints. I can't blame all the issues on the printer itself, there's a fair bit of user error, but the thing is unreasonably unstable in general.

On recurring issue has been the printer crashing when we have the gall to try to make it print something. When this happens we get the 49.4A.04 error, and the printer must be rebooted to restore service. This will fix the printer, until the problem document is printed again.

The error is document specific, certain documents print fine, others cause the error. There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to which documents it accepts or doesn't; other than that problem documents are often more complex documents (files printed from photoshop, lightroom, and some more complex .pdf files). Also interesting to note that documents that once print fine can have minor edits done, then stop working. The preeminent case was the adding of a text box to a poster one user was working on in photoshop causing the document to stop printing.

Worth noting also that this is strictly a printer issue. The job is spooled and sent through the print server without error. Same error also occurs when printing directly, rather than through a print server.

Some things we tried that didn't work
  • Selecting "First Boot" from preboot menu
  • Selecting "Cold Boot" from preboot menu
  • Direct mapping printer, rather than using print server
  • Rebooting User's machine / restarting offending program
  • Reinstall / Update drivers on User's Machine
  • Reinstall / Update drivers on Print Server
 Another option is to have the user export the document (to a more widely accepted format) before printing. This seems to work in most cases, but was met with much hostility as a work around (additional steps / time in workflow).

What finally fixed it for us was to install the latest firmware for the printer -- see "Solution" section at the top.