Tuesday, September 17, 2013

XenDesktop 7 - No Desktops Available

Working on building a XenDesktop 7 deployment to replace our current XenDesktop 5.6 instance. The Controller, XMLBroker,WebStore, and pretty much every component is installed on the same (albeit beefy) server - This deployment isn't big enough to warrant separate servers for everything, just a bunch of Wyse Xenith2 thin clients.

Anyway, I got to configuring the storefront which thankfully seems a lot more straight forward than the web interface in 5.6, except one problem - whenever I log in no I get a message saying "no applications or desktops are currently available to you". I can see in Studio that there should be desktops available, but I don't get them as an option anywhere I log in. 

A few hours of googling around and going through event viewer leads me to the conclusion that there's a problem with the XML Broker Service. I have the following errors in Event Viewer:

  • Warning:Citrix Broker Service: EventID:2010: General "The Citrix Broker Service encountered a problem while an XML service attempted to listen for http(s) requests. The Windows HTTP configuration might be incomplete or incorrect. ": Details Access is Denied System.Net.HttpListenerException
  • Error:Citrix Store Service:EventID:4003: "All the Citrix XML Services configured for the farm Controller failed to respond to this XML Service transaction"
  • Error:Citrix Store Service:EventID:0 : "An error occurred while attempting to connect to the server <this.stupid.server> on port <xxxx>. Verify that the Citrix XML Service is running and is using the correct port. If the XML Service is configured to share ports with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), verify that IIS is running. This message was reported from the XML Service at address . The specified Citrix XML Service could not be contacted and has been temporarily removed from the list of active services."
The long and short of these is : "The XML service didn't start correctly and so the Store Front is failing to connect to it so storefront can't determine what desktops are available". The Details of the first error are useful, because - my knowledge of port binding is limited, but generally sufficient - it suggested that whatever port the XML service is trying to bind to is already in use.

This information leads me to this post on the Citrix forums: 

Which suggests changing the http port for the Broker Service. This is done via the command:

This is in the citrix install directory, typically c:\program files\citrix
..\citrix\broker\service\brokerservice.exe -wiport xxxx
I did this, but unfortunately the errors continued. Then I ran the following command and it showed a number of other ports that the XML service is using:

..\service\brokerservice.exe /show
SDK Port: 80
VDA Port: 80
WI Port: 8888
WI SSL Port: 443
Changing all of these ports got the broker service up and running.

The Broker Service automatically restarts itself when you run these commands
 ..\brokerservice.exe -wisslport xxxa
..\brokerservice.exe -sdkport xxxb
..\brokerservice.exe -vdaport xxxc 
At first I changed all four of these, and that caused the desktops to start showing up (After I changed the port of the Delivery controller in StoreFront (StoreFront>Stores>Manage Delivery Controllers).

Unfortunately it also caused all the desktops to unregister from the controller and Studio to break. This is because the vdaport appears to control what port the desktops need to register with and the sdkport controls port the Studio needs to connect on (as well as probably any other management software). Changing those two things back to port 80 things started working more the way I'd expected.

I have yet to actually get a thin to connect -- getting "SSL: unable to setup connection, (err=-5914)" but more on that once I figure it out.


  1. hi, did you manage to get to the bottom of it, pal

  2. Of the -5914 error? Yea, turned out it was a configuration change in the Xen.ini for the thinclient from 5.6 => 7.0. Check my other post : http://bisbd.blogspot.com/2013/09/wyse-xenith-2-unable-to-set-up.html

    As for no desktop available, there's about 100 different reasons you might see that error. In my case it was multiple services trying to bind to the same port, but it could be a lot of things. All that really tells you is that the thin can connect/login (there would be a different error for that), but that it does not see any desktops/applications.
